5. Termini di consegna e trasporto

5.1. The delivery timeframe mentioned in our quote, order confirmation, and other communication channels serves as an approximate estimate. While we make every effort to deliver your products within the specified timeframe, it’s crucial to recognise that various factors beyond Customkitchen’s control, such as material availability, transportation conditions, or unforeseen circumstances, may impact delivery times.
Should any alterations to the delivery schedule occur as a result of these circumstances, we will promptly notify you. Please be aware that we cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery or any associated extra expenses arising from such situations.

5.2. If you need your items later than the agreed delivery time, please let us know promptly. If your items have already been shipped, and you can’t receive them within five business days from when the shipping company gets in touch with you, there will be an additional charge. This charge will be 10% of the shipping cost for each day the items are stored at the terminal.

5.3. If, for any reason, goods cannot be delivered because of issues that are your responsibility as the customer, they will be sent back to us, and any extra expenses will be charged to you. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your delivery details and receiving arrangements are accurate, and that you are reachable when the shipping company reaches out to you to prevent unnecessary costs.

5.4. If you order different front designs or materials within the same order, everything will be shipped together and the delivery time for the entire order will be determined by the design or material with the longest delivery time.

5.5. Modifying your order could potentially impact the delivery time.

5.6. If the order is lacking any necessary information, such as unconfirmed colours, and production has already commenced, the delivery time will be influenced by when we receive the comprehensive details and when these details are required in the manufacturing process.

5.7. The precise delivery time will be confirmed after the shipping company schedules a delivery appointment with you.

5.8. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to schedule a installer only after you have received and inspected the goods. We cannot be held accountable for any expenses associated with third parties, such as compensation for installers etc.

5.9. The items will be delivered to the address you’ve provided in your order, typically at the sidewalk or street closest to that location, as accessible by the carrier.

5.10. For addresses that are difficult to reach, such as narrow streets, deliveries to islands without ferry service, or other obstacles, additional charges may apply.
It is of the utmost importance that you, as a customer, inform us of any hard-to-reach address details before placing a final order. This information helps us carefully plan and manage the delivery to ensure a smooth and trouble-free process, and to avoid any unwanted delays.

5.11. The items are shipped in packages arranged on a larger shipping pallet. We try to pack all the items so that they can be carried by one (1) person. However, for larger items, like cover sides or taller doors, it may be necessary to have at least two people available to handle the packages. We recommend that you plan for this when receiving the delivery.

5.12. When ordering items longer than 240 cm, the customer may, in some cases, need to provide assistance with unloading. If there is no such option available, a crane truck may be required, which will result in additional costs for you as the customer.

5.13. The carrier or Customkitchen does not provide inside delivery services and does not handle the removal of packaging or the shipping pallet on which the goods are delivered. If necessary, this must be arranged through an external party.

5.14. Quando si ordinano articoli più piccoli, come le porte campione, è possibile consegnarli in un semplice pacco al punto di ritiro o all'agente più vicino.

5.15. Il cliente è tenuto a effettuare un'ispezione accurata alla consegna per verificare la presenza di eventuali danni visibili, come segue:

5.15.1. Ispezionare il pallet di spedizione, i colli sul pallet e l'imballaggio per individuare eventuali danni visibili. Se si riscontrano danni, questi devono essere immediatamente documentati per iscritto sulla lettera di vettura del vettore/punto di consegna, poiché anche l'articolo all'interno del pacco potrebbe essere danneggiato.
Dopo aver effettuato la notifica del pallet e/o dell'imballaggio danneggiato, è possibile procedere con il ricevimento della consegna e verificare successivamente se gli articoli all'interno sono danneggiati.
Se sono presenti danni visibili e non viene fatta alcuna annotazione, la merce si considera accettata nelle sue condizioni attuali e non sarà possibile presentare reclami.

Inoltre, si prega di assicurarsi che vengano scattate fotografie dei danni come parte del processo di documentazione. Questo aiuterà ulteriormente a risolvere eventuali reclami o problemi che potrebbero sorgere.

5.15.2. Se durante il disimballaggio del pallet vengono riscontrati danni all'imballo, è essenziale fotografare tempestivamente i danni mentre l'imballo è ancora sul pallet.

5.15.3. Se si riscontrano danni al prodotto durante il disimballaggio dall'imballaggio, senza danni visibili all'imballaggio, è importante fotografare immediatamente i danni mentre il prodotto è ancora nell'imballaggio.

5.16. Segnalate i danni confermati direttamente a Customkitchen via e-mail, dove dovrete inviare foto e una breve descrizione. Si prega di notare che i reclami che non seguono le istruzioni di cui sopra non saranno approvati.